Wednesday, April 30, 2014

K Cup Coffee Machines to Start Making Oatmeal

You already use your single cup coffee machine to make your coffee, logical, but did you know that they will soon start making oatmeal too? Basically, you can use your coffee machine to make all your meals from when you wake up until you go to bed. The k cup brewing craze continues to own and innovate.

General Mills has reported that they are working on the portions of the oats, fruit, and nuts so the machines brew the correct amount of water; doing this will reportedly save more time than microwavable hot cereals that we eat these days. The name for the product is Bistro Cup Oatmeal.

Nature Valley, the company producing oatmeal for the k cup machines has said that they are hopeful this business decision will give a boost to the oatmeal industry. They believe that there are plenty of oatmeal lovers out there who already own k cup machines and would eat more oatmeal if it was even more convenient. Really, we know it'll taste good because it is the same oatmeal and virtually the same method of making it: brew some hot water and mix it with the oatmeal; the only thing that's different is that you are getting your hot water differently.

The product has already launched on Amazon and is planning on being launched on several store shelves across the country.

If you are looking for a place to purchase your k cup coffee, then make sure to visit Coffeevines

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